Painting in the post-impressionist style of Van Gogh using oils on Arches oil paper, 12 by 16 inch, entitled Fantastic Forgeries no. 2: Irises, original $450
or download in same dimensions at 400dpi, attached asset.

Fantastic Forgeries no. 1: Almond Blossoms, from Van Gogh, 15 by 12 inches oil on Arches oil paper, original $450
or download in same dimensions at 400dpi, attached asset.

Sunflowers, not a 'forgery' but my own, 16" by 20" oil on oil paper, original $600
or download in same dimensions at 400dpi, attached asset.

playfully Fantastic Forgeries no 4: Roses by Van Gogh (at the Met.) 12by16 inch oil on Arches Oil Paper, original $450
or download in same dimensions at 400dpi, attached asset.

Coquelicot (Red Poppies), an original

No 5 of my playful Fantastic Forgeries, Van Gogh's Fishing Boats on the Beach at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 20by16 artist oils on Arches Oil paper.
These ancient boats still carry the vestigial memory of the first Greek colonizers.
Original $600,
or download in same dimensions at 400dpi, attached asset.